Msi afterburner failed to start scanning
Msi afterburner failed to start scanning

msi afterburner failed to start scanning

If you are using OC Scanner on a laptop then its Auto scan wont run. Afterburner is a very popular graphics card utility used by most gamers, modders, and overclockers. You may modify the Primary Graphics Adapter option by pressing Enter while the option is chosen and using the arrow keys to choose the option where PCI-E comes first. If Physx is showing CPU, it won't work properly. Its Auto-Scan options don't work because most laptops are not built to overclock. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. At the top right of the Voltage/Frequency Curve window you will see the OC Scanner button. I am here to be your technical support for all your troubleshooting.

msi afterburner failed to start scanning

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Msi afterburner failed to start scanning